It Begins Again

DSC_0056-1As most crafters know, the completion of one project invariably leads to another.  This one will be more challenging as there is a lot of sewing.  I’m a bit worried about that, as I don’t really sew, but I want this purse!  And I chose a nice bright red color so everyone will be able to see it. ;-p

Airy Lace Shell…a lesson learned

So I managed to finish working in all the loose ends, which, by the way, took all of two hours.  Ugh!  I had my misgivings after I first started working on this project that maybe I shouldn’t have chosen this particular one because I look like a barn.  But it looked so pretty, I had to!  Oh, well.  I’ll look like a barn when I wear it!  And yes,the armholes are a bit long so I photoshopped my bra out of a

The cool, collected look


sense of decency and decorum.  I was also surprised that this shirt isn’t more see-through….not that I wanted that.  And it truly is airy because of the open weave.  While I was making it, I doubted that it would be something I could wear in temperatures over 50°F because the top must weigh close to three pounds.

The pattern instructions say this is an intermediate project, but I disagree.  I believe all but the most absolute beginner could finish this.  It’s fast and fun and the pattern is available for free at:

Loose Ends

I have finished my 2-day project after a week.  Eh – it happens.  It is correctly made, but it looks so much better on the skinny model.  On me, it looks like a walking barn!  And we are now at the most irritating part of any crochet or knit project:  tying in the loose ends.  I want it to be over!  >:-(  LOL


Tell me I’m not the only one who has this bad attitude…?

Here is the free pattern where I got it, if you’re interested.  Enjoy!


Cook of the House

I am not the cook in our family, but fortunately, we do have one.  A serious one.  My daughter Rachel researched her culinary schools and found San Francisco’s California Culinary Academy fit enough to meet her tough criteria.  At least, the curriculum as it was in 2007/2008.  After a hard day at work, literally cooking in ambient temperatures of 100°F plus (thank you California weather), she unwinds by….cooking.  On her days off, she researches new culinary methods, cookbooks and techniques.  So you understand when I say she is serious.

Being serious doesn’t mean somber.  Not in her world.  She saw these whimsical cookie cutters online and had to have them.  This is a visual document of her playing with them.

Never Failed Me Yet Ant Bait

This looks like a very good idea.

Clover and Thyme

It’s that time of year. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they are big, sometimes they are small. Sometimes there are many, sometimes just a few. But mercifully, no matter how many of these little darlings decide to show up in my kitchen in the spring, I only need to see them for about one day out of 365. Once I put out my delicious ant buffet, they are so “satisfied” they never come back. At least until next year.

Ant Bait

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I like to think I’m fairly serious with my fiber arts, but this person takes that to a whole new level.  I adore the concept of color swatches, but the reality of cost and time involved makes this just that for me…a great concept!  This looks like a tool a professional designer would use.  For those of you deadly serious about color matching, or even just a little curious, I recommend perusing this article.  I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Good Intentions

I hate when a 3-day project starts creeping into 4 days, 5 days, etc.  Yesterday I ended up napping in the middle of the day which always leaves me feeling worse than when I started (don’t ask why I did it) and today I ended up spending the better part of the afternoon working on knitting tutorials.

Oh, well.  We will finish our crocheted top soon…A good start